August is National Psoriasis Month. Over 125 million people have Psoriasis, but many are unaware of the natural and alternative methods in addressing this disease. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. Some patients report that the scaly patches can be itchy and burn. This chronic skin disease can be associated with other serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. For more information regarding Psoriasis please visit National Psoriasis Foundation.  Before beginning any of the below suggested complementary treatments, please consult with your physician/healthcare practitioner. 

Some alternative/complementary treatments suggested for treating Psoriasis are the following: 

  • Diet /Vitamin supplementation 
  • Acupuncture 
  • Meditation/ Yoga/ Aromatherapy 
  • Exercise such as Tai Chi 

Diet /Vitamin supplementation: According to a study featured in JAMA Dermatology August 2018, even though allopathic medical treatments (treatments that address disease through remedies such as drugs and surgery) still lead the way in effectively treating Psoriasis, complementary therapies regarding diet includes reducing caloric intake and topical Vitamin D.  

Acupressure: Acupressure is the treatment that uses gentle pressure on the body’s key healing points to reduce pain and stress, increase circulation, and boost your immune system. There is no scientific evidence that acupressure can control pain associated with Psoriasis, but based on anecdotal accounts, some people have found it beneficial as a complementary treatment. 

Acupuncture: This treatment involves the insertion of fine needles along specific meridians to relieve pain, increase the body’s immune response, and increase circulation. Even Though no clinical studies directly support its use with Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis; however, some patients have reported success when using acupuncture as a complementary treatment. 

Aromatherapy: Stress can be a trigger of a psoriatic reaction; reducing your stress level is another complementary treatment to Psoriasis. Some Aromatherapy scents that help in reducing stress are Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Tea Tree. 

Meditation and Yoga: Another method to reduce stress is developing a regular meditation and/or yoga routine. Click on the links for guides and tips on how to start a stress-reducing routine. 

Exercise: Regular movement such as physical exercise or range of motion exercises is beneficial for general health in reducing stress and building up the immune system, which helps treat Psoriasis. It does not need to be a regular boring routine for it to count as exercise. Be Creative! Do activities that are fun for you to do or interests you. Also, you can break up the activity’s length into 10-minute intervals throughout the day as long as it adds up to at least 30 minutes of movement for the day. 

I hope that these suggestions shed some light on other options of treatments you may have in managing Psoriasis. If you would like further information or have any questions regarding alternative/complementary therapies regarding Psoriasis or other skin conditions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (775) 827-6696. Be Safe and Be Well. 

NOTE: Before starting any of the above-mentioned alternative/complementary treatments, be sure to consult with your physician to ensure that these therapies are appropriate additions to your current treatments.  


Dr. Melvin Nario