It seems, as a species, that we are more confused than ever about what we should eat. Practically every day, a new diet is being touted as the answer to all your weight and fitness goals. You’ve probably heard of a few of them: Atkins, HCG, South Beach, high carb, low fat, high fat, low carb, the cabbage soup diet, and the list goes on and on.

The problem with most of these diets is that most of them are not long-term sustainable, not to mention the imbalances these sorts of diets create in our bodies. Some eliminate entire food groups altogether. I mean, can you live on 30 grams of carbohydrates per day for six months? Sure you could. But is that really living? I don’t want to jump down any rabbit holes here; nutrition can be pretty simple if you let it.

Most of us know that eating too much sugar wreaks havoc in our bodies. Excess sugar creates inflammation, overgrowth of bad gut bacteria, insulin resistance, obesity, food cravings, etc. Science tells us sugar is more addictive than cocaine. That’s a scary thought. Most of today’s processed foods are loaded with sugar. Sugar is actually found in our food under 61 different names, all approved by the FDA. That seems a little deceptive, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, the problems with processed food don’t stop there. The high amount of chemicals, preservatives, and GMOs that is found in packaged food is astronomical. It’s almost crazy that we consider some of this garbage food at all.

Now don’t get me wrong, not everything in a package is bad for you. There are some nutritious foods finding their way into package form because we are a society of convenience. For example, packed nuts are a healthy snack on the run.

Getting back to the basics, I remember what my grandparents said: “you have to finish your vegetables before you leave the table.” It really is that simple. Eat real food, a lot of vegetables, most of the time. Truly all of the food groups are important. Your plate should always look something like this: protein 1/4 plate, starch 1/4 plate, fruit and vegetables 1/2 plate, fat serving the size of your thumb. If you’re trying to lose a little bit of weight, choose a smaller plate and move your body a little bit daily. You don’t have to kill yourself at the gym or train like an Olympic athlete. A 20 min walk every day counts, and you’ll see and feel the effects!

Does this mean you have to eat perfectly to look and feel amazing? Absolutely not! I break the rules all of the time. I am a busy, working mother and wife with 2 boys and an ambitious schedule. I am so grateful that I created a company that sells healthy prepackaged meals, a.k.a. Fuel packs. I simply don’t have the time to cook all of the time.

I often tell clients about the 80:20 rule. If 80% of your food choices are real, whole, nutritious food, that means that 20% of the time, you can eat foods that fall into the “processed” or “high sugar” and “high fat” categories, guilt-free. What 20% equates to is moderation. No one becomes obese, gets heart disease, or dies of any other sugar-related disease from 20% of their diet not being perfect. Enjoy a square if you have to have a piece of chocolate every night after dinner! Just practice moderation.  

So back to the pancakes… If they really are your thing, I often recommend trying to find a way to eat the food you love in the healthiest form possible. Pancakes, for example, are a staple at my house. We eat the Pumpkin Pancake Fuelpacks at least once a week. The best part is they fall under 80%. I don’t believe in depriving yourself of things you love. That’s as sustainable as removing all fat from your life. Not a chance.

Welcome to the New Year, where nutrition and reaching your goals should be much simpler this year. Avoid the crazy trendy diets and just get back to the basics. Pick up your Fuelpacks today and spend the time you save cooking and doing something that you love.

Happy New Year!