My Road to Alternative Medicine

Throughout my life, I have had many, what I would call gentle nudges to keep an open and inquisitive mind about our world. My first experience with alternative medicine came in my late 20’s when I was having difficulty conceiving. The conventional answers were to pump...


2020 has been one heck of a year for all of us. As we say goodbye to summer and our schedules start to pick up it’s a great time to start focusing on our immunity. When trying to stay one step ahead of cold and flu season I wanted to share a few reminders on how to...

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

I am very passionate about meditation. It has so many benefits, from happiness to health. In honor of Alzheimer’s awareness month, I would like to share a few tidbits on how brain-boosting meditation can not only help prevent the disease but actually slow down the...

Bone Broth… What’s All the Hype?

Imagine if I told you that we sell a “miracle drink” that is capable of helping people:  Overcome food intolerances and allergies Treat leaky gut syndrome Boost immune system Promotes weight loss Help balance hormones Improve sleep Stabilize a healthy mood Increase...