Depression rates continue to rise due to the economic stress and anxiety during this pandemic. Utilizing various types of treatment modalities, including alternative and natural medicine and remedies, can improve mental health and other health outcomes.

“Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.” – Deepak Chopra

There are alternative ways to improve your mental health in a natural way other than relying on pharmaceuticals long term. It is essential to know what exactly you are putting into your body to understand better why your body is responding the way it is. Ever hear the old saying, “You are what you eat?” Eating is not just about satisfying your hunger but providing you with the proper nutrients to maintain a healthy life. The foods you eat can affect your skin, your emotions, and your energy. Certain foods can create an imbalance of hormones and affect one’s cortisol and estrogen levels which can lead to mental health issues. Here are eight natural ways to improve your mental health and overall well-being. 


1. Herbal Supplements

Many people continue to turn to herbal supplements and natural remedies instead of pharmaceuticals to ensure they are getting enough essential nutrients to maintain and improve their health. Some herbal supplements that are known to help reduce stress, increase energy levels, and help clear the mind on a path to good mental health and well-being are Ginseng, Chamomile, Lavender, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements containing Omega-3 fatty acids help with gut health and are linked to decreased rates of depression. Ginseng has been shown to improve brain functions such as memory, behavior, and mood balance. Several studies show that Chamomile and lavender have antidepressant effects and help to calm the mind and body.

2. Proper Nutrition

“Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel” – Eva Selhub MD

High-quality foods containing vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals will help protect your brain and body from excessive stress. If you are constantly intaking processed foods with no antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients, this will consume your energy and affect your hormone levels. These imbalances can affect all facets of our health, from the energy we feel to the emotions we express. Foods to avoid hormonal imbalances are bread, sugar, fried foods, coffee, and alcohol. Instead, foods you should be consuming more to improve brain functions, boost your energy levels, and overall mental wellness are colorful vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fuel foods include salmon, nuts, and legumes such as beans and lentils. 


3. Mindful Meditation

First and foremost, meditation is for everyone and comes in all different forms. Meditation is the practice of relaxing the mind and body. For some, meditation can look like listening to music, closing your eyes, and being present in the moment. For others, their form of meditation could be a hobby or an exercise. Do what makes you feel calm, helps you clear your mind, and makes you happy. During the current circumstances in our world, meditation is important to incorporate into your daily life to clear the mind of any stress or anxiety. This habit has helped me tremendously to stay present with myself and keep a positive mindset to conquer each day. Therefore, I ask you to try a form of meditation, whether it is guided or self-led.

4. De-stressing With Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has become a popular alternative practice in reducing stress and anxiety and treat muscle soreness and pain. Massage therapy has many benefits to the mind and body. Massaging techniques help to increase blood circulation, increase positive hormone endorphins, and manage the fight or flight response by relaxing the body. Due to this relaxation, you are more likely to have less anxious thoughts, experience less tension, and feel calmer. There are many different types of massages, but Swedish massage is the most popular for muscle relaxation and relieving mental stress. 

5. Social Connectedness During a Time of Social Distancing

Something I have learned during this pandemic is that social connection is crucial. In actuality, this pandemic is a double pandemic of social isolation and covid-19. Unfortunately, this is not an option for many, or their ability to connect with others has been challenging. Something I often hear and especially during this pandemic, is: “I feel lonely.” Several studies show that loneliness is associated with high blood pressure, increased anxiety, and mental health problems. Surrounding yourself with others is not feasible for many, and many people are already living alone. Social isolation is connected to increased mental health concerns, substance use, and chronic diseases. The pandemic has shown how fundamental social connection and contact is in our lives. There is an increase in demand for telehealth, online education, and telework but this can only go for so long as people are experiencing online fatigue and require human contact and interaction. I have found that using video chat applications such as Skype, FaceTime, and Google Chats to connect with others has helped me feel more connected. You can also use social media platforms to interact with others and engage in Yoga classes or chat online. Many people have also chosen to adopt a pet during this time, which has helped them. It is always recommended to search online for local resources or reach out to your provider for further resources. At the end of this post, you will find additional resources. 

6. Move Your Body

Exercise has countless benefits, not only for your physical health but for your mental health. The more you get your body moving, you stimulate chemicals in your brain that improve your memory, learning, and alertness. Exercising regularly can reduce your stress levels and other symptoms of mental health such as anxiety and depression. Thirty minutes of daily exercise is recommended and can help increase energy, positive moods, and mental alertness. Hormones and adrenalin increase blood pressure and heart rate, leading to stress from the fight or flight response. By releasing this stress during your workout, your body will become less tense and your mind more relaxed to relieve anxious feelings and stress. Home workouts are becoming more and more popular during this time, with countless videos and apps surfacing to help individuals keep moving at home. Some free applications I would recommend to increase your exercise at home are MapMyRun, Yoga Wake Up, MyFitnessPal, Nike + Training Club, Daily Yoga, Relax Melodies. A great start to incorporating exercise in your life is starting slowly, making time for yourself, and choosing what works best for you. You should also set goals for yourself which I like to do personally, as I add this into my journal. 

“But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.” – Deepak Chopra

7. Rest, Rest, and Rest

Sleep and mental health are strongly related and go hand in hand. Lack of sleep will negatively affect your body’s energy, emotions, and ability to relax. Poor health can then make it harder to sleep, and this dramatically affects your mental state. It’s important to ask yourself: Am I getting enough sleep? Am I using caffeine to get through the day? Do I get drowsy when driving or during other activities? I would highly suggest maintaining a regular sleep schedule and decaffeinate yourself, or reducing the amount of caffeine you consume. Moving your body and getting some exercise every day is crucial to improving your sleeping habits. Making sure you get enough sleep is hard when you have a busy schedule, but I promise you that you will feel much better when conquering your busy day if you improve your shuteye time. You will thank yourself in the long run. 


8. Journal and Track Your Gratitude and Achievements

Many of us are working full-time, go to school full-time, or are full-time parents. Or maybe you are staying at home during this pandemic, and you are out of ideas to keep yourself busy. Journaling is for everyone to reflect on daily experiences. Journaling is comforting to many and is a great way to help cope with everything in our world. Maybe keeping a diary is not your thing but making lists and journaling about your experiences is your thing. Turning these lists into everyday milestones, achievements, and overall feelings will help bring you a sense of control, calmness, and a deeper understanding of your emotions. 


Be Kind to Others and Yourself

-Brittney Rosiles



Disaster Distress Helpline (Talk): 1-800-985-5990 (press 2 for Spanish), or text 

Disaster Distress Helpline (Text – English or Spanish): 66746

Spanish speakers from Puerto Rico can text: Hablanos to 1-787-339-2663


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Talk): 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for English, 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish


National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 

National Domestic Violence Hotline (Text): LOVEIS to 22522


National Child Abuse Hotline (Talk): 1-800-4AChild (1-800-422-4453)

National Child Abuse Hotline (Text): 1-800-422-4453


National Sexual Assault Hotline (Talk): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) 


The Eldercare Locator (Talk): 1-800-677-1116 


Veteran’s Crisis Line (Talk): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Veteran’s Crisis Line (Text): 8388255