Kale took the world by storm and became the image of “health” a few years ago, and it still holds that household name of being a superfood. Let’s explore why!

The biggest benefit to kale is how nutrient-dense it is, in fact, it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! Kale has 14 micronutrients packed in it. Amazingly, one cup of raw kale has 206% of the Daily Value of Vitamin A, 684% of the Daily Value of Vitamin K, and 134% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C. That one cup of raw kale is not only packed with vitamins and minerals but it’s also only 33 calories and 6 grams of carbs! Because kale is high in nutrients and low in calories, it helps to keep you feeling full. Kale can be a great food to aid in weight loss due to the fact it has low calories and high water content so your body will be satisfied for longer, resulting in lower caloric intake. Antioxidants play an important role in eliminating free radicals in the body, and as if kale wasn’t already amazing, it’s also full of antioxidants! 

On top of reversing the effects of free radicals, kale also plays a role in lowering cholesterol which in turn decreases the risk of heart disease. Bile acids are substances that lead to high cholesterol levels in the body when reabsorbed. Luckily, kale has bile acid sequestrants which prevent that resorption and keeping cholesterol levels lower. Low cholesterol levels can decrease the chances of heart disease in the person fueling their body with kale. 

Did you think I was done with the benefits of kale? I’m not! Kale is a great food that serves as a natural detox for the body so say goodbye to those detox teas and supplements. The superfood helps to rid toxins from so many organs such as your skin, colon, lungs, and liver. Kale is also full of nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin which help lessen aging effects on the eyes and protect eyes from sun damage.

While all these benefits are appealing, don’t go eat 10 servings of raw kale in hopes of getting super-vision and perfect organ function. Remember, moderation is key! Too much kale can cause a decrease in thyroid function. So throw in kale when you can, add it to your diet by serving size, and watch your body reap the benefits!