Anything in excess amounts is bad for you, especially sugar. Liquid sugar, on the other hand, is a whole different level of negative effects. Soda, sweet tea, lemonade, and fruit punch are just a few drinks that contain extremely high levels of liquid sugar. 

Why am I specifying “liquid” sugar? Well, there is actually a difference between the way the body processes liquid sugars in drinks and the solid sugars in food! 

One of the big problems with liquid sugar is that the brain doesn’t recognize it in the same way it does solid sugar. Drinking sugar doesn’t give the body the same feeling of “fullness” as eating sugar. Which leads to more caloric consumption throughout the day. 

Liquid sugar has higher amounts of fructose than solid sugar and when fructose is consumed in large amounts, the effects are not healthy for your body. Excess fructose is linked to weight gain and an increase in some diseases. 

Your risk of type 2 diabetes can be increased by the consumption of liquid sugars because of how quickly the high levels of fructose are taken into the body through sugary drinks. Other diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are linked to liquid sugar in beverages. 

These diseases are becoming more prevalent in younger children as sugary drinks are becoming more common in daily meals. Liquid sugar also increases the occurrence of heart disease by increasing bad fats in your body. These bad fats cause high levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterols which have a negative impact on the heart and its ability to perform correctly. 

Rather than sodas or fruit juices, sparkling water with fruit can be a great alternative! Another substitute is iced teas, there are many different types of teas that are delicious and sweet without any added sugars. 

Many studies have linked liquid sugar to sharp increases in cases of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease which is why it is so important to limit your intake of drinks with added sugars to keep your body in its best condition. Even though sodas and juices taste yummy, they’re just not great for your body. Be kind to your body and give it water and other healthy options!