How Does Sleep Affect Your Health? 
Sleep isn’t just for replenishing your energy, it allows your body time to repair itself. Making sure you are getting enough sleep will help your overall health. 
How Much Sleep Do I Need?
On Average most adults need about 7 hours of sleep each night. While it is okay not to have the recommended amount every once and a while it is not recommended to go too long without at least 7 hours each night. Not getting this recommended amount can lead to certain health problems & certain health problems you may already have to get worse. 
What Are Some Health Conditions Associated With Lack of Sleep? 
Did you know that studies show that most Americans that sleep less than 7 hours each night are more likely to have health conditions related to the heart, lungs, and or mind? 
Common health concerns from adults who don’t get enough sleep. 
  1. Heart Attacks
  2. Asthma
  3. Depression 
  4. Anxiety 
  5. High blood pressure 
  6. Type 2 Diabetes 
  7. Obesity 
How Can You Improve Your Sleep?  
The most common question is “How can I improve my sleep?” Here are some helpful tips to get you started for a good nights rest. 
  • Sticking to a regular sleep schedule, set a bedtime & set an alarm and wake at the same time everyday (Even on those days off) 
  • Get more NATURAL light. Add a morning walk into your routine. 
  • Stay active during the day 
  • Don’t eat close to your bedtime, allow your body time to digest 
  • Your room should be Cool, Dark & Quiet 
Do you have troubles falling asleep … Try this 
inhale for 4 seconds
Hold your breathe for 7 seconds
Exhale for 8 seconds
Repeat as needed
This works by relaxing your body and helps bring on the Z’s